A collection of tweets about detectives.
Ideas for detectives:
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who lives backwards in time. Solves cold cases by living long enough to witness them happening.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who specializes in solving crimes committed by people with English accents too thick to understand.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who solves crimes based on the orientation and thickness of the staples found in papers on the scene.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who can’t stop eating cookies but that’s okay because he walks everywhere and also solves crimes.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who dreams about another detective that solves crimes by staying awake until she hallucinates.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who only solves crimes committed by vegans because come on, meat is delicious.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who finds new clues in her pockets but can never find her keys.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who solves crimes by drinking until blackout and then passing out in the crime scene.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
@ValentinGarza all the crimes all the times
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who solves crimes by building robots who solve crimes.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who never solves a crime but you invite him to parties anyways because he brings good wine.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who looks a bit like Robert Pattinson but is actually just some guy who never combs his hair.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who swears he’ll solve crimes, just give him five more minutes, mom!
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who always wins at Scrabble but can’t fire a gun to save his life.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective made entirely out of leaves blowing in the wind that settle on important clues.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013
Detective who is actually a cat that spends all his time napping but nobody cares because cats are adorable.
— Jeff James (@unsquare) August 1, 2013